There are some important changes at the Woolpack in line with our government’s directives on the management and risk of coronavirus (Covid-19) and the current national lockdown.
All visitors to the Woolpack should read this page and follow all the advice and directions below. This is most important for the health and safety of all of us.
The content of this page will change as the government revises its directives.
These changes will, no doubt, alter week by week, as the coronavirus situation changes, and we will update this page as often as we can. For the very latest updates keep an eye on the local and national news, and on our Facebook and Twitter feeds.
- Please make all payments using contactless cards – we cannot accept cash as the passing of physical cash and change is an infection risk.
- Please accept all the protective measures we must take, as these are sensibly directed by our government and we have no choice in the matter.
- By coming to our pub or indeed to any public meeting place, you will be exposing yourself to a greater risk of infection than you would by staying at home. The Woolpack management accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any infections of any sort, or the consequences of such infections, that might be contracted anywhere on their premises, and would strongly stress that if you come to the Woolpack you have implicitly accepted that you are exposing yourself to some risk of contracting coronavirus or other diseases.
- If you have any symptoms whatsoever of coronavirus you must not come to the Woolpack.
- It is essential that everyone behaves very well and maintains proper social distancing all the time they are at the Woolpack.
- Please do be very respectful of the local residents, and please keep noise to the minimum.
This page last revised on April 8th 2021